a-la-cart digital images $55.00
Choose your favorite image "a-la-cart" retouched to perfection! Images are 8x12 in size and 300 dpi. Your images can be printed at a local lab or at home up to 8x12 in size. All images include a small "vavoom pinups" logo on the bottom right hand corner. You will receive a permissions to print letter, too! ALL IMAGES ARE RETOUCHED TO PERFECTION and APPROVED BY YOU! Once you've approved, you'll receive a private link to download your images right away.

- If you are wanting to order 10 or more images, it's best to go with a digital image bundle, SELECT ONLY "1" IN QUANTITY BELOW for each image you want to order. If you want to order another image, you will need to go back to this page and select the next image.

-This purchase is non-refundable

- If you are purchasing this product, please keep in mind that after you order you will need to approve the retouched proof on this. If you fail to approve within a timely manner and we don't hear from you, we cannot guarantee that your images will be saved after one year.
Images: 1
(*) Add up to 200 more images
for $45. 00 each
Total Price: $55.00
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